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NERC Submits Proposed Revisions to CIP Cyber Security Reliability Standards

On February 13, 2015, in Docket No. RM15-14, NERC submitted a petition seeking Commission approval of the following CIP Version 5 Reliability Standards: CIP-003-6, Security Management Controls; CIP-004-6, Personnel and Training; CIP-006-6, Physical Security of BES Cyber Systems; CIP-007-6, Systems Security Management; CIP-009-6, Recovery Plans for BES Cyber Systems; CIP-010-2, Configuration Change Management and Vulnerability Assessments; and CIP-011-2, Information Protection. NERC is submitting the proposed revisions in response to FERC Order No. 791, which approved the CIP cyber security standards and directed NERC to make certain revisions.

To view NERC’s petition, click here.