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Grady Moore Serves as Panelist at 2019 American Bar Association Environment, Energy & Resources Section Conference

Grady Moore, chair of Balch’s Environmental & Natural Resources Practice, was a panelist at the 2019 American Bar Association Environment, Energy, & Resources Section Conference on June 11 in Atlanta, GA. The panel’s topic, “Roiled or Relieved? What Recent Repeals and Reconsiderations under the Clean Air Act Mean for You and Your Clients” covered the latest developments concerning the Clean Air Act. Panelists from across the nonprofit, private and public sectors discussed recent environmental changes, and shared strategies to better assist clients.

Grady’s clients include large and small power companies, as well as industrial, chemical, and manufacturing companies. He focuses on Clean Air Act (CAA) rulemaking, permitting, and compliance issues for the energy, wood products, chemical, and manufacturing industries. Grady litigates Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state agency rulemaking and enforcement actions and provides permitting and compliance advice to clients' complex air regulatory issues including Title V, New Source Review, New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) modeling, and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT).