Select Matters
- Coal ash: Advise electric utilities on the disposal and recycling of coal ash, flue gas desulfurization (FGD) waste or gypsum, and other CCR, including potential issues under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), CWA, groundwater requirements, and dust issues.
- Waste, spill response, and contamination: Advise clients under federal and state solid, hazardous, and universal waste management programs, including contamination and spill and incident responses and changes made under RCRA or CERCLA
- Environmental justice and ESG: Identify best practices and strategies for compliance, best business practices, and disclosure for environmental, social, and corporate governance issues, including climate and environmental and social justice.
- Waterways: Advise waterway associations and users on waterway issues, including water resource project funding, Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) legislation, water supply, and Corps of Engineers regulatory programs such as Section 10, Section 404, and Section 408.
- Officer (Counsel and Secretary) for the National Waterways Conference.
- Expert in Corps of Engineers authorities for operations, regulations, and funding mechanisms, including annual appropriations and public-private partnership structures and opportunities.
- Procedural obligations for federal permitting: Counsel clients seeking federal permits and approvals on the application of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), consultations under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and environmental justice review.
- Government inspections and information requests: Manage regulatory inspections and government information requests under Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 114, CERLCA Section 104(e), the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and related authorities.
Chemical management: Advise clients as to chemical management programs, including the Risk Management Plan (RMP) rule, the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) program and related Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) issues, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program of DHS. - Homeland security: Advise business clients on preparedness and resilience issues, including business continuity planning and risk protections under the SAFETY Act.
- Due diligence for mergers and acquisitions: Perform environmental due diligence and review in support of purchase and sale of electric generating units and manufacturing facilities and for corporate mergers and acquisitions.
Speaking Engagements
- Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., 1995
- Rhodes College, B.A., 1990, cum laude
- Georgia, 2023
- Alabama, 2004
- District of Columbia, 1998
- Virginia, 1995
- National Waterways Conference (NWC), Counsel and Secretary
- NWC Legislative Policy Committee, Chair
- Air and Waste Management Association (A&WMA), Alabama Chapter Board of Directors, Three-Time Past Chair
- Chambers USA, Environment
- The Best Lawyers in America®, Environmental Law, 2016-present
- Kiwanis Club of Birmingham